Here’s how to get your Digital Covid 19 Vaccination Certificate on your mobile device and/or print versions.
- First you need to log into your myGov account and ensure that your Medicare account is linked. If not, you’ll need to follow the instructions to link these accounts before continuing.
- Once your accounts are linked, head over to the App Store (Apple) / Play Store (Android) on your mobile device.
- Download the Express Plus Medicare app. (Click here for Android Devices or here for Apple Devices)
- Sign in to the app using your myGov account.
- Then in the Home Screen under Services tap on Proof of Vaccinations.
- Tap on Request Certificate.
- Select who’s certificate you want to request.
- You’ll then need to enter your passport details.
Once completed, options will appear for you to save your certificate to your Apple Wallet, download it for Android or print it you require a physical copy
If you need assistance with this process, book an appointment with us and we’ll get you set up.